Awesome Sauce

Snack-sized video recipes for the mobile generation


Awesomest recipes on tap

Our primary persona was working Mothers, and time was their primary constraint. We started by imagining an experience that made it easy and fun for both mothers and kids to discover recipes. The result was a natural way to search based on keywords, and presented as visual hierarchy and tags, with opportunity for brand integration.


The stars of the culinary world unite

Awesome recipes curated for you by recipe masters. These are your favorite chefs, food authors and foodie bloggers. Tap a profile to view all recipes curated by a master, or follow them to receive updates when they upload the next recipe.


Collect and share your favorites

Your favorite recipes are stashed in your personal jar. Open your jar when you are ready to cook, or share your favorites with family and friends. With Awesome Sauce you have a new friend in your cooking adventures. 🥘

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